Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More Fun in New Zealand!

One of the cutest animals that I've seen in New Zealand so far is the penguin! One late night all of us girls were sitting around talking and Kimberley was telling a story. In mid story we heard a really loud noise and we all thought Kim's stomach was growling! We all started laughing and Kim told us that it was the penguins living under the staircase of our house. At first we didn't believe her but the noises kept getting louder and louder! We decided to go find them so we went outside with our torches (flashlights) and crawled under the pitch black staircase. We found the daddy penguin protecting his family (he had a bunch of little baby penguins)--they were so cute! We've been super busy getting the garden planted and we had a huge group here on the weekend so getting up early to make them breakfast and what-not. Since we had to work on the weekend we got an extra day off this week. We went to two different beaches and did some fishing and I tried surfing! It was a great day!