Sunday, February 18, 2007

Barcelona, Andorra, and France

Wow it's been awhile since I've blogged. I havn't really had access to the internet since we left Madrid. Right now I'm in an internet cafe in France so this might be short. After Madrid we headed down to Barcelona and stayed at the "Center Rambles." We really Loved Barcelona and we got to hang out with our friends that we met in Portugal, and we are going to see them again in Germany. We all said that out of all the places we've been we could see ourselves living in Barcelona. Beautiful gardens, breaches, and architechture. All around it was just a really fun place to visit! After Barcelona we took the bus to a little country that no ones heard of called Andorra; to visit my friend Todd. We stayed at Todd's place and had a great time. He took us shopping and to the best pastry shop EVER! We also went hiking in Ordino and had a game fest with Todd and his roomates. We were really impressed with Andorra because it's the only place we've been that is super clean and you'll never see a begger on the street and all around is just a really classy place. Thanks for having us stay at your place Todd, we had a great time and that brunch you made was AMAZING! From Andorra we headed into France and stayed in Toulouse for our first 3 nights. We had a really difficult time finding a hostel and to make a really long story short ended up staying in a cheap hotel. On Valentines Day we took the train to Carcassonne because all we've heard is how beautiful it is. Besides getting rained on the entire day it was definately the perfect setting. We went out for Valentine's dinner and had rabbit and crepes yum! From Toulouse we took the train to Nimes and stayed for 2 nights and now we're in Nice! We arrived here yesterday and spent the day at the beach and went to a carnival. We are undecided where we're headed to next(somewhere in Italy) but I'm sure it will be just as fun and exciting as the trip has been so far! I have so many stories but I'm out of internet time... I am hopefully going to put some pictures on soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That is so cool you got to visit Todd!