Thursday, April 5, 2007

Austria, Paris, Holland, Berlin and Prague!

So two weeks left and I´m back at home! We were in Feldkirche (western Austria) stayi ng with Dawna´s friend Matthias from Capernwray. His family spoiled us so much and we left with more chocolate than I´ve ever seen in my life. After 3 nights there we took a night train to Paris seeing all the major sights; The Eiffel tower, Louvre, Palace of Versaille and of course shopping. From there we went to Holland and stayed with our friend Rebecca from Capernwray. It was like a Capernwray reunion because we also got to see our friend Dan-Bjoren who is going to school in Holland. Rebecca lives in Leiden which is about a 30min train ride away from Amsterdam so we spent a day there. I was really sick the whole time we were in Holland so I missed out on the tour of Holland that Rebecca gave Sheri and Starr; I just stayed at Rebecca´s place and slept. From Holland we went to Berlin and saw our friend Alex again that we met in Portugal; we did a sweet walking tour of Berlin and learned all the history. Berlin is a really nice city because its modern but is has a lot of history. then we hit the Prague- one of the top three most beautiful cities in Europe! Thanks Matthias and Family, and Rebecca for having us stay and touring us around. We had a great time and loved to see your countries.


LnF said...

hey thanks for all the's almost like i saw europe too...i'm glad you had a rockin' trip!

Kristy said...

Hey Steph, How does it feel to be back?!
Loved checking your blog while you were in Europe.