Saturday, January 20, 2007


Today we took a three hour train ride from Dublin to Galway. We are staying at a super cheap hostel but it's not nearly as nice as our last one. On Wednesday we moved to the Abraham House in a different part of the city. In Dublin we really enjoyed insane good irish bands and we also got the chance to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was also cool because a friend of Starr's that's going to medical school in Dublin got us in to Trinity college for free to see the Book of Kells. It was really interesting to be able to see the original manuscripts of the four gospels. The college also had a place called the long room. It has 1/4 million of the oldest books. If you've seen "Beauty and the Beast" it reminds me of the part where the beast takes Bell into that room with all those books. Everyday we do an insane amount of walking. Yesterday morning I woke up and the back of my legs were so sore, I'm pretty sure I also pulled a stomach muscle trying to get my 32lbs pack on. Well I hope everyone is doing well. I miss everyone at home and would love to hear from you!

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