Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Steph's in Europe!.....

Well, my trip to Europe has begun. Mom and Dawna saw me off on my first EVER plane flight from Kelowna to Calgary @ 10:30am. When I arrived in Calgary I had a couple hours to kill in the airport before meeting Sherilee and Starr at Starbucks. We met up at 2:00pm and Starr's parents saw us off to London. The 9 hour plane ride went by really fast. They fed us supper(chicken casarole) which was actually pretty good; and then I slept for a few hours. At 8:30am London time they woke us up for breakfast. I was totally not hungary because it was 12:30am BC time; but I ate anyways. The plane landed in London @ 11:30 and we found our way through the crazy confusing London airport, and caught our next flight to Dublin. The flight was only 55 minutes which Sherilee and Starr slept the whole time cuz they didn't sleep at all on our 9 hour flight. When we arrived in Dublin it only cost us 1.90 Euro to take a 45min bus ride to our hostel called "The Avalon House." It's a pretty nice hostel, it has free internet and a kitchen and its pretty central to a lot of cool places. It costs 30 Euro a night each so we are hoping to find something a bit cheaper. After checking out the hostel we decided to get some fresh air before going to bed. Dublin looks like a really cool city and besides getting a little bit lost on our walk we had fun chekin' out the place. We went to bed at 7:30pm and now Sherilee and I are wide awake at 4:30am. We get a free breakfast at 7:00am and since we didn't eat supper last night we are really looking foward to the meal.


LnF said...

Hey stephie,
so glad to hear you guys are safely arrived. i look forward to hearing all about your adventures!! and i don't know if you are going to germany but i know a phrase that would be perfect for you, (please note i don't know how to write in german, so i am sounding this out):
ich liber fenster putsen
which mean something to the effect of; i love to wash windows!
take care over there! much love

Heather said...

You made it! So glad to hear you are safe and lovin' seeing all the sites. I'm so looking forward to checking your blog so write lots :)