Sunday, January 21, 2007


We are staying at the Claddagh hostel and we met five girls who are from all different countries but are all O'paring in Dublin. They came to Galway for the weekend just for fun. They invited us to go out with them last night so we had a good time. Two of the girls are from Germany, one from Brazil, one from Polland and one of the girls is from Switzerland. It's funny because everone here thinks that we talk really fast and they can't understand our accents. We think some of the Irish accents are really hard to understand but they are really cool to listen to.
This morning we went to a Methodist church that is right near our hostel. It was very different than what I'm used to but we are glad that we went. This afternoon all three of us fell asleep for three hours. We havn't been getting to bed at a decent hour since we got here so we probably needed the day to rest--it's Sunday anyways!

1 comment:

LnF said...

HEy stephie
Yeah i totally got your christmas card. Thanks. I am enjoying experiencin europe vicariously, as i read your blog between classes:) much love