Monday, January 22, 2007


Iknow....isn't Ireland so Beautiful!! We went on a bus tour to the Burren and the Moher Cliffs. This was most definately the highlight of Ireland for me. It has rained everyday here; so last night we prayer there would be good weather cuz we didn't want our tour to be cancelled. This is what we woke up to-- a clear blue sunny sky! Pretty much so far we've just been in the city; I was so amazed at the gorgeous countryside. The Moher cliffs are 750 ft above sea level. Last week a lady died there; I guess she was too close to the edge and fell off the cliff. Don't worry mom it was a windy day so we stayed well away from the edge("safety first.") We also made a bunch of other stops. We stopped for lunch to eat traditional Irish food, saw the Dunguaire castle, toured the Ailwee caves and got really educated. I wished I had brought my journal because the bus driver was giving us "information overload" and it was all really interesting. The tour started at 10:30am and ended at 5:30pm. Tonight is our last night staying in this hostel and then PORTUGAL here we come! We are "sleeping" in the airport in Dublin tomorrow night cuz our plane leaves super early and we don't want to pay for a hostel. I guess we'll see how much sleep we get, we'll be too excited!


David and Kristy said...

Hey Steph :)
It is beautiful there... What an exciting adventure.
We love checking your blog.
Be safe. We're praying for you.
Love ya!

Karey Congo said...

Hi Stephanie! We're glad you're having so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about the next adventure! We're praying for you, love you,